Press Release


October 25, 2023

ThermalWorks Honored with Prestigious Danfoss 2023 EnVisioneer of the Year Award for Groundbreaking Waterless Cooling Technology in Data Centers

ThermalWorks, a subsidiary of Endeavour devoted to carbon-neutral, sustainable infrastructure, was presented with the 2023 EnVisioneer of the Year Award in the Original Equipment Manufacturer category during a ceremony on September 28

TALLAHASSEE, FL ThermalWorks, a subsidiary of Endeavour devoted to carbon-neutral, sustainable infrastructure, was presented with the 2023 EnVisioneer of the Year Award in the Original Equipment Manufacturer category during a ceremony on September 28 at Danfoss’s headquarters for its oil-free Turbocor® compressors in Tallahassee, Florida. The hyper-efficient, zero-water system is revolutionizing traditional data center cooling operations by dramatically reducing energy consumption and eliminating the need for water in any climate.

The ceremony was attended by leaders from Endeavour, ThermalWorks and Danfoss. ThermalWorks is currently shipping its modular, fully integrated system to clients across Europe and North America.

“We are truly honored to be recognized as a leader in innovative engineering technology and want to thank Danfoss for their partnership and shared commitment to operational excellence,” said John Costakis, Chief Executive Officer of ThermalWorks. “This is the culmination of 20 years of design experience and represents the type of bold, innovative solution the IT industry needs to meet the challenges of a growing global energy and water crisis.”

The waterless cooling system is designed to optimize energy and water usage — enabling the lowest peak and average Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) of any air-cooled chiller system (1.15 PUE) and saving more than 385 million gallons of water for every 100 MW facility. It features microchannel heat exchangers that extend the temperature range of air-based free cooling, which saves energy and eliminates the need for evaporative-water cooling.

ThermalWorks is built for resilience, with fully redundant power and hydronic systems, and uses Danfoss Turbocor® compressors, which are variable speed and completely oil-free. The result is predictable, long-term performance.

“We are thrilled to recognize ThermalWorks as our EnVisioneer of the Year and proud they selected Danfoss solutions as an integral part of their innovative design,” said Ricardo Schneider, President and General Manager of Danfoss Turbocor®. “Together, we are changing the cooling landscape and building a cleaner, more sustainable future.”

The waterless cooling systems are being deployed in more than a dozen data centers currently under construction worldwide.

About ThermalWorks
ThermalWorks is a leading provider of advanced zero-water modular cooling systems for data centers and commercial buildings. Its hyper-efficient chillers are built to handle high-density loads and high ambient temperatures while dramatically reducing energy usage and eliminating water consumption. Based in New York, ThermalWorks is an Endeavour company.
For more information, visit

About Endeavour
Endeavour is an innovation platform purpose-built to support the reliable, rapid growth and sustainable operations of global cloud and logistics companies. It develops and scales distributed energy, water and IT infrastructure with cloud companies.
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About Danfoss
Danfoss engineers solutions that increase machine productivity, reduce emissions, lower energy consumption, and enable electrification. Our solutions are used in such areas as refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, power conversion, motor control, industrial machinery, automotive, marine, and off-and on-highway equipment. We also provide solutions for renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, as well as district-energy infrastructure for cities. Our innovative engineering dates back to 1933. Danfoss is family-owned, employing more than 40,000 people, serving customers in more than 100 countries through a global footprint of 95 factories.
For more information, visit

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